WilQuest Limited
WilQuest (USA) Limited WilQuest (Hong Kong) Limited WilQuest (Zhuhai) Limited
WilQuest provides three types of Services:
WilQuest is an engineering consulting Corporation operating in HK, PRC & the US for over 23 years. WilQuest (USA) Limited is our USA corporation based in Rancho Santa Fe, California, WilQuest (Hong Kong) Limited is or registered HK corporate entity and finally WilQuest (Zhuhai) Limited is our PRC corporate entity. All of these corporations were founded by and are wholly jointly owned by Jim and Yi Wilson 100%. See WWW.WilQuesst.Com
Our specialty is working with non-Asia enterprises that are frustrated trying conduct business with companies in our area and their Asian counterparts that are equally uncomfortable dealing with the west. Through cultural assimilation and over 60 years of experience we solved these problems for both sides. Just a few of our notable clients are:ØSaudi Arabia’s Largest Design Engineering Group
The Global COVID-19 pandemic required us to marshal our considerable network of SOE factories to offer US buyers Direct access to quality certified products in high volume at a low cost. And we can sell western products to our PRC network.
© 1993-2024| WilQuest (Hong Kong) Limited
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HK Address
Unit 1331, Beverley Commercial Centre, 87-105 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon,
Hong Kong (SAR), Guangdong, China
HK Reg# 1116160